
Congratulation to our 2023 School Leadership Team who were commissioned into their leadership roles today at a very special ceremony.
1 year 10 months ago
Upcoming information and events at Merici College.
1 year 10 months ago
Congratulations to Fabrice Boone who recently participated in the USA/Canada Great Divide Mountain Bike Ride (GDMBR).
1 year 11 months ago
Following advice from the Tallong Campus and the risk and compliance team at Catholic Education, Camp One, which was scheduled to depart Monday 24 October has been postponed.
1 year 11 months ago
Take the time to engage in activities that bring you joy, spend time with people who support and empower you and relax in ways that revitalise your mind and bodies.
1 year 12 months ago
Today, we join the efforts of the United Nations by advocating a world free of racism and discrimination. We start here in our classrooms, in all we do and say, in our hearts.
2 years 23 hours ago
Congratulations to all the cast and crew of St Edmund's College, Merici College and Canberra Girls Grammar for exceptional performances.
2 years 1 day ago
We congratulate our elected College Captains, Specialist Captains, House Captains and Vice Captains on their appointments and look forward to their leadership in 2023.
2 years 1 week ago
Learn more about the health benefits of this delicious substance.
2 years 1 week ago

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