Pastoral Care

Counsellor's Corner - October is Mental Health Month

Welcome back to our students and families - I hope you are all feeling refreshed and ready to embark on the last leg of the 2022 school year!

Before we plough into what is sure to be a very busy and exciting term, I invite you to take a moment to reflect on the status of your wellbeing and to draw attention to any areas that could do with improvement.

Our wellbeing is the balance of our physical, mental, social, and emotional health. When we take care of these aspects of our lives, we build a positive sense of self and support our mental health.

Counsellor's Corner - Taking care of your wellbeing these school holidays

As a busy Term 3 draws to a close and the perks of having two weeks break edges closer, the Merici Community looks forward to a period of rest, recovery, and rejuvenation. It is important to take this time as an opportunity to slow down, breathe and prepare to finish the year off with some positive Merici flair. 

Counsellor's Corner

Phew! What a busy term we have had!

Congratulations to all students for making it through a tricky term of high workloads, competing deadlines for assessments, exams, and some very cold weather. It has been a pleasure to be a part of the Merici community this term and I am very excited for the semester ahead.

R U OK? Day

This week we will be participating in R U OK? Day on Thursday, 9 September which is a national day of action where Australians are reminded that every day is the day to ask, “are you okay?” if someone they know is struggling. Whilst working in lockdown, checking in on one another’s wellbeing is more important than ever.

Merici Remote Pastoral Care Support

We understand that the change to remote learning may impact students and families in varying ways. Please find below important information on how Pastoral Care will continue to be provided to the students during lockdown.

We encourage all students to continue to contact their teachers, parents, and other trusted adults to ensure that each member of our college community can navigate these challenging times in an environment that is welcoming, respectful and of value to everyone.

Take care everyone!


Principal's Blog - Adolescent Mental Health and Wellbeing

In my six years as a Principal, I have been troubled by the rise in the number of students diagnosed with mental health issues.  Only yesterday, an article in our local paper highlighted that 1 in 4 students were struggling with a mental health issue and 1 in 7 students has had an episode in the past 12 months.

Anxiety, stress, relationship conflict, body image, grief, addiction and suicidal ideation – all are on the rise.

Merici College Open Day today!

Merici College Open Day today, Wednesday 8 May from 2pm, Principal's Address 2.15pm and 5.45pm. Come along and see why Merici is a school of choice by merit!

The families who choose come from far and wide. Your daughter will form friendships with others from an extensive area. Here is a snapshot of the suburbs where our Year 7 students currently reside, including our families from Murrumbateman , Yass and Bungendore.

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