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1 year 2 months ago
In 1983 the school was renamed Merici College, previously named Braddon Catholic Girls' High.
1 year 2 months ago
This was an important week for Year 10 as students considered how to make decisions, reflected on what is important in life, prepared for senior study, and much more.
1 year 2 months ago
It was a night of solidarity and compassion where our girls braved the cold and wet weather. By 'sleeping out' the girls helped to raise awareness and support for the homeless
1 year 3 months ago
“A community united by the ideals of compassion and creativity has incredible power. Art of all kinds-music, literature, traditional arts, visual arts – can lift a community."
1 year 3 months ago
Use this time for open discussions about how we as individuals, communities and a nation can foster reconciliation inspired by this year’s theme “Be a Voice for Generations".
1 year 3 months ago
You can make a difference by donating to our campaign,
1 year 4 months ago

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