
Year 7 and 8 students had a fun and immersive day experiencing a range of international arts and cultural traditions.
6 months 2 weeks ago
Merici College is very proud of the academic achievements of all Year 10 students and looks forward to supporting them in their transition to College next year.
6 months 2 weeks ago
This year our theme has been Communitas and our colour was red which represents he colour of love, passion, compassion, care and courage and connectness in the community.
6 months 2 weeks ago
I believe that the Class of 2023 greatest characteristic as a group is their ability to draw strength from their diverse ways of being and seeing the world.
6 months 3 weeks ago
On Monday 27 November, our community acknowledged the achievements of our Mentors and Volunteers at a very special afternoon tea.
6 months 3 weeks ago
At Merici College, we are proud of the positive impact evidence-based teaching practice is having in the classrooms.
7 months 2 weeks ago
Merici College congratulates our 2024 College Leaders who were commissioned into their new roles by all members of the College.
9 months 8 hours ago

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