
We would like to thank John Nicoletti for donating a set of books titled 'The Grower, The Heartbeat of Australia and The Grower, The Roots of Australia to our school library.
5 years 2 weeks ago
Our guests reconnected with old friends and celebrated the memories they hold of Merici College and make some new ones!
5 years 3 weeks ago
We acknowledged our Sisters of the Orders who were instrumental as the foundation of our College, our alumni, former and current staff members, students and families.
5 years 3 weeks ago
Upcoming events and news for Term 3 Weeks 8 and 9
5 years 3 weeks ago
A focus on water quality necessitates consideration of cleaning products.
5 years 3 weeks ago
Congratulations to Narelle Patrick, Merici College staff member, who is currently competing in the French Riviera 2019 Ironman70.3 World Championships.
5 years 3 weeks ago
We would like to thank our fathers and daughters for attending our special evening on Friday 30 September.
5 years 4 weeks ago
Our Dance Troupe performed an hour long concert for the residents at St. Andrews Village in Hughes on Saturday, 31 August.
5 years 4 weeks ago
Year 9 and 10 students represent Merici at the Legislative Assembly parliamentary debates.
5 years 4 weeks ago
Taylah travelled to Western Australia to represent Merici College and the ACT in the Australian School Sports Golf Championship.
5 years 4 weeks ago

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