
This year, the Merici community has been called, as people of God, to activate our hearts, heads and hands to connect to those around us.
9 months 3 weeks ago
A celebration of the end of the academic calendar in a year of challenges, joys and the building of a culture that celebrates and nurtures an inclusive and vibrant community.
9 months 3 weeks ago
Today our Year 7 RE classes are running stalls to raise funds for the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal.
9 months 4 weeks ago
We hope our Year 12 students had a wonderful time last Friday at their formal.
9 months 4 weeks ago
Year 7 and 8 students had a fun and immersive day experiencing a range of international arts and cultural traditions.
10 months 3 days ago
Merici College is very proud of the academic achievements of all Year 10 students and looks forward to supporting them in their transition to College next year.
10 months 3 days ago
This year our theme has been Communitas and our colour was red which represents he colour of love, passion, compassion, care and courage and connectness in the community.
10 months 3 days ago
I believe that the Class of 2023 greatest characteristic as a group is their ability to draw strength from their diverse ways of being and seeing the world.
10 months 4 days ago
On Monday 27 November, our community acknowledged the achievements of our Mentors and Volunteers at a very special afternoon tea.
10 months 6 days ago

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