Student Achievement - Caitlyn Crick awarded Simpson Prize ACT Runner-Up

Dr Brendan Nelson, Director of the Australian War Memorial presented Caitlyn Crick with her award.

We congratulate Caitlyn Crick (Year 10 Balgo) who has received the ACT runner-up award for the 2019 Simpson Prize essay competition, for her essay about the end of the First World War. A wonderful achievement in a national competition!

Caitlyn enjoyed a weekend of touring Canberra’s historic sights and museums with other prize winners from around the country, and received her award on Monday 18 March.

The Simpson Prize is a history competition which has a focus on the legacy of ANZAC, open to all Year 9 and 10 students in Australia. The Simpson Prize requires students to respond to a quote and question provided using both the Simpson Prize Australian War Memorial Source Selection and the student’s own researchThe 2019 question was "To what extent could 1918 be considered a year of victory for Australia and its people?"

Students are encouraged to agree, debate with or challenge the statement from a variety of perspectives – individual, national and global – and to use sources in a variety of forms.

Our congratulations to Caitlyn for this outstanding achievement!

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