Staff Achievement - Jen Baines and Australia-ASEAN BRIDGE School Partnership Program

Jen Baines pictured with program participants

In 2017, with the support of the school leadership, I applied to participate in the Australia-ASEAN BRIDGE School Partnership Program. I am very fortunate to be selected to be part of this program.

The Australia-ASEAN BRIDGE School Program is an immersive and blended model of professional learning that supports school communities across Australia to build an international school partnership from across Southeast Asia. BRIDGE consists of reciprocal visits for teachers in both countries to visit their partner schools and engage in authentic learning about each other’s culture, community and school.

This program is funded by the Commonwealth through the Australia-ASEAN Council which is part of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The support given by the Australian Government once again stresses the importance of Asian engagement within Australia.

As a participant of this program, I attended an intensive four-day workshop in Sydney which allowed me to work with my Singapore partner, Xiuqing Loke, on project collaboration and design. This workshop also enables me to begin Merici College’s journey into global perspective and intercultural understanding as we embark on becoming an IB World School.

After the workshop, Xiuqing Loke visited Merici College and stayed with me for a week. Xiuqing is a high school science and chemistry teacher in CHIJ Katong, a Catholic girls school in Singapore. Through her visits, Xiuqing observed many classes and gained a good understanding of the Australian Curriculum. She also shared her insights into Singapore life and education with staff and students.

In January 2019, I will be visiting Singapore and CHIJ Katong to learn more about the Singapore education system and also strengthen the budding relationship that we have built through the Australia-ASEAN BRIDGE School Partnership Program. It is our hope to host students from CHIJ Katong in the future and also have Merci students visit Singapore and CHIJ Katong to learn about Singapore, its culture and history.


Jen Baines

English/Languages Department

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