Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Sophie Blackburn, 2023 Arts and Culture Captain

2023 Arts and Culture Captain - Sophie Blackburn

Arts and Culture Captain

Name: Sophie Blackburn

Dream job: Musician or Actress on Broadway or if none of that works, go work at Australia Zoo with Robert Irwin

One place you want to travel to: to see the Northern Lights

Hobbies: Performing and Wakeboarding

Favourite food: KFC, milkshakes and cookies

Favourite movie: Top 5 - Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The Pirate Movie, Dirty Dancing and Romeo and Juliet

Favourite book: Oh the Places You’ll Go - Dr Suess

Favourite singer: Clinton Kane, Elton John, Ben Platt, The Snuts

Favourite song: Currently - End of the Road (The Snuts) or Cleopatra (The Lumineers)

Favourite song lyric: Everyones a feminist until there is a Spider Around - Bo Burnham (5 Years)

Favourite subject: Music and Drama

Go-to joke: Wanna hear a construction joke? Nvm, i'm still working on it

Party trick: Can throw anything and catch it in my mouth (dont ask how-)

Most embarrassing moment: Gave a flower to my crush in front of my parents… note to self - NEVER DO THAT.

I am over the moon to help out as much as I can! Being a theatre kid, and someone who has admired arts for as long as I can remember, I want you to find the same love, and encourage you to get involved and give it a crack! Do what you love!

If you need to chat, send me an email; [email protected] or, just find me in the music room playing around! Always down to chat and listen!

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