
Merici College congratulates Year 12 Dance students Eliza Cooke and Rachel Baker on their recent achievements.
4 years 11 months ago
Congratulations to our students elected into 2020 leadership positions.
4 years 12 months ago
Merici College, along with the seven other Secondary Catholic Secondary Schools in the ACT, have combined to present an Expo for parents and carers on Mental Health Issues
4 years 12 months ago
A team of four boys and two girls, aged 15-18 were selected to represent Australia at the National Team Challenge in Niagara Falls.
4 years 12 months ago
Upcoming events and news for next week and Week 1 Term 4
5 years 4 days ago
Congratulations Jade Esler on receiving the ADFA Education Award and accepting the Letter of Offer to join the RAAF as an Officer Aviation Candidate – Pilot - ADFA.
5 years 1 week ago
We would like to thank our community members who supported our Bridge Benefit Fundraising Dinner on Saturday 14 September.
5 years 1 week ago
Congratulations to Olivia Horvat, Year 12, student who has been awarded ACT Australian School-Based Apprentice of the Year
5 years 1 week ago
We would like to thank John Nicoletti for donating a set of books titled 'The Grower, The Heartbeat of Australia and The Grower, The Roots of Australia to our school library.
5 years 1 week ago

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