
"It's fantastic partnering with a local school that is committed to supporting their students overall wellbeing."
6 years 2 weeks ago
We are very excited to be a successful applicant for the PROJECT ROCKIT Online School Grants Program.
6 years 2 weeks ago
Congratulations to Kasey Kelly who placed first in the ACT Snow Sports Schools Cup on Sunday 2 September.
6 years 2 weeks ago
A brave call was made not to cancel the Mountain Bike Championship this year!
6 years 2 weeks ago
2019 College Captain: Malia Harrison, 2019 College Vice Captain: Olivia Miles
6 years 3 weeks ago
We are thrilled to announce that as of January 2019, Merici will be home to a 93kW Solar Photovoltaic system!
6 years 3 weeks ago
"I enjoy challenging teenagers to think about contemporary themes and issues while providing them with a safe environment to explore the thoughts and emotions this provokes."
6 years 3 weeks ago
The Year 10 Engineering class performed their first rocket launch as part of this semester’s unit: “It Is Rocket Science.”
6 years 3 weeks ago
Upcoming events for Term 3 Weeks 6 and 7.
6 years 1 month ago

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