
Merici College Green Tip #8 - While we are at home more than usual, we can reduce our food waste.....

It's a staggering figure, but about one-third of all food produced for human consumption around the world goes to waste.


Below are some tips from the World Wide Fund for Nature on why reducing food waste matters and how you can improve your food management to save your hard earned dollars and reduce your environmental impact


COVID-19 Update from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers

In order to support all staff to provide remote learning programs in Term 2, the College will be providing all staff with professional learning for the last week of term from Monday 6 April to Thursday 9 April.

This professional learning will enhance the learning programs we will be able to offer in remote modes in Term 2.

In order to support the professional learning of staff, I ask all parents and carers to make alternative arrangements for their daughters.

What's a Concept in the IB MYP Framework?

In the MYP framework, concepts represent the big ideas which form the heart of a connected curriculum. Known as KEY CONCEPTS these ideas are shared across subjects with the aim of unifying the student’s academic experience. Students are invited to see connections and alternative perspectives, as different subjects may refer to the same key concept, however, with different learning experiences students will experience new ways of thinking. Concepts are not just single words but rather complex ideas that shape the student experience (Barnard, 2016). 


I would like to start by thanking you, for the most beautiful messages we have been receiving, daily. I have been sharing parts of your emails and will continue to do so, with the staff. Your prayers, support and kind words have been a great source of inspiration and have lifted our spirits.


We have been working hard to keep your daughters engaged in their learning and preparing for a remote learning world.

Our Academic Journey Continues

Merici College has always put our girls at the heart of everything we do. Over the past 8 years we have undertaken a school-wide plan to increase academic and practical outcomes for all our students, increase engagement in STEM subjects, encourage co-curricular participation and more. Find out more about our academic journey at

Perimeter Guardian Online Advice

Each day, more and more kids are staying home from school or are not able to participate in after school activities and sports. Inevitably with this new reality comes increased internet use by children and young people, as parents struggle to occupy them. And of course, increased screen time increases risks.

Please click here to find some helpful tips and ideas which we navigate this unprecedented time.


COVID-19 Update from the Principal

I would like to first of all begin with a heartfelt thank you! Thank you for all the emails of support and for your patience during this time. This is new territory for everyone, and I have been most impressed with how we have continued to care for each other and pray for each other, as a
united community. The messages on the weekend, were all very confusing. But my hope and goal is that there will be clarity in this letter for all families.

This is our Catholic Education System priorities:

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