Year 11 Literature Excursion to the National Gallery of Australia

Monday, September 23, 2024 - 9:00am

In preparation for their upcoming creative writing task, the Year 11 Literature class will travel to the National Gallery of Australia to receive a guided tour, as well some free time to explore the artworks in the NGA collection. Artworks from this gallery will provide the inspiration for a piece of writing that students will submit in Term 4. This excursion is free of charge to students.

Students will travel to and from the gallery on the Merici school bus. Student should meet at the bus, ready for boarding at 12:00pm. The class will depart from the gallery at 2:15pm and will return to school before 3:00pm. 
As students will be at the gallery over lunch time, it is suggested that students eat their lunch sometime before boarding the bus, either at recess or during Period 3. There may also be an opportunity for students to have a snack outside the gallery if the bus arrives there early. If there are any concerns about this, students should inform the teacher.

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Merici College

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