Year 10 Social

Friday, September 20, 2024 - 5:00pm to 8:30pm

We are looking very forward to our Year 10 Social which will be held on Friday 20 September at Merici College from 5pm to 8.30pm. The dress code is ‘a little bit glamorous’. The occasion is not a Formal and there is no requirement for formal dress. We encourage students to avoid expensive trappings and to forgo expensive beauty and hair treatments. The aim of the night is to have a fun evening with friends.
Friday 20 September will be a normal school day for students, who will then be permitted to sign out at lunch time to go home and get ready, if they wish. Please note that attendance in the morning is compulsory.

The Social will be catered for and throughout the evening there will be a vast array of finger food served, both savoury and sweet and beverages.
Further information will be provided regarding the permission note.
Tickets are $60 each, which covers the cost of food and beverages, decorations, a photo booth and DJ.
Tickets can be purchased here:
Please note that this event is for Year 10 Merici College students only. When completing the online booking, please indicate any special dietary requirements your daughter may have. Bookings close on Friday 6 September 2024.
Entry to the Social will be via the Auditorium foyer. Students will be admitted from 5:00pm and the doors will be closed at 5:30pm. All other entrances to the school will be locked for the duration of the event. Parents are expected to collect their daughters promptly at 8.30pm.
A secure bag area will be provided but no responsibility can be taken for lost valuables. Photos will be taken throughout the night and a link will be sent to your daughter so that she can access these.
If you have any questions about arrangements for the Social, please contact your daughter’s relevant House Coordinator:
Balgo - Dayne Spencer, [email protected]
Brescia – Jess Tillack [email protected]
Ningil – Bianca Porcheddu , [email protected]
Penola – Damian Borgia, [email protected]
Seiwa - Louisa Barnsley, [email protected]
Tullow – Emma Kennedy, [email protected]

Merici College

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