
Merici College Green Tip #33 - Save clothing from landfill at Merici Sw(op) Shop event Tuesday 3 November

Australians buy an average of 27 kilograms of new textiles each year and then discard about 23 kilograms into landfill  – and two-thirds of those discards are manmade synthetic/plastic fibres that may never breakdown.

Sustainability consultant Jane Milburn said Australians are the second-largest consumers of new textiles after north Americans who annually buy 37kg each.


The good news is that you can be part of the solution. 

Merici College Green Tip #32 - National Water Week and Water Night

This week is National Water Week, October 19-25.

Every third week of October, the Australian Water Association organises National Water Week and makes a splash across Australia, inspiring individuals, communities and organisations to build awareness around the importance of water. Access to clean water is crucial to our daily lives, and we are all responsible for protecting our water environments and using water wisely.

Inspiring Dusted Off Performance

Today our Year 10 students were treated to a wonderful performance by Brett Hunt, a one-man show called Dusted Off. Dusted Off is the story of youth seeking adventure and of the traumatic reality of war, for those who fight and for those who support them. Accomplished actor and guitarist Brett Hunt shared his family’s story about the Vietnam War.

Our students were highly engaged with the performance and valued learning more about the war and Brett's family experiences during the war and after. Thank you Brett for your inspiring and unique performance!


Merici College Green Tip #30 Get your pre-loved clothes ready, it's SW(OP) shop time!

Who can forget the alarming clothing waste depicted in the ABC's War on Waste. The mountain of clothing which Australian's throw out every 10 minutes weighs approximately 6000 kilograms. That's 36 000 kilograms of clothing each hour. 


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