
Principal’s Address and Opening Assembly

Welcome all to the commencement of the 2021 school year. I hope that you had a wonderful summer, full of rest, rejuvenation, family time and, possibly, adventure. I also trust that all are ready for:

  • a fresh beginning,
  • to be open to new experiences and
  • are looking to continue your journey to human growth and fullness of being in 2021.

What are beginnings?

One of my favourite poets, TS Eliot once wrote, “Every moment is a fresh beginning.”

Feast Day of St Angela Merici

Today we celebrate the Feast Day of St Angela Merici and her vision for education and her unique model of spirituality. She continues to be the inspiring model on which we base ourselves. Her love and sensitivity to human needs won her the title "Madre Angela” from the people of Brescia, Italy.

Captains' Welcome

Welcome Merici sisters, parents and staff to the 2021 school year. We hope you’ve enjoyed your Christmas break and we are super excited to see you back at the College in February. We’d like to give a particular welcome to all our incoming Year 7 students and any other new students and staff, particularly our new Principal. Starting at a new school is always daunting, so please don’t be afraid to seek out any student or staff in the corridors if you ever feel overwhelmed or just need some directions.

The Year in Sustainability

To garden is to care deeply, inclusively, and audaciously for the world outside our homes and our heads. It’s a way of being that’s intimately interwoven with the real truths of existence – not the things we’re told to value (money, status, ownership), but the things that actually matter ( sustenance, perspective, beauty, connection, growth). To be a gardener is to be invested in a place – to know it, to protect it and to be present. Georgina Reid, The Planthunter

The Year in Inclusive Education

2020 has been a year of consolidation for Inclusive Education at Merici College. With the increase of professionals to our team we have seen The Hub, our central location, become a consistent hive of activity for students from across all year groups needing additional support. This space houses many varying aspects of improving learning for students.

The Year in Creative and Performing Arts

There have been many changes this year in Creative and Performing Arts. This year we had three new staff join the team, Mrs. Nicola Bartasek as the Music Teacher, Ms. Carly Johnson as the Drama Teacher and Ms. Justine MacCormick as a Visual Arts, Photography teacher and as the Coordinator. Mrs. Laura Pearce continued teaching Dance, Mrs. Liz Igoe-Taylor Visual Arts and Mr. Matthew Reynolds Media.

The Year in Global Studies

What a year we have had, one like no other! In response to the challenges that arose in our community due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers rallied together and developed interesting and engaging activities which were delivered remotely during the lockdown period. Their professional approach to caring for the students was impressive. The Global Studies Department includes the subjects of Legal Studies, Business Studies, Graphic Design, Senior Ancient and Modern History, Geography, History, Civics and Citizenship, Business and Economics, Integrated Humanities, Food Technology and Textiles.

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