
Merici College Green Tip #40 - Suggestions to reduce your waste to landfill this Christmas s

​Welcome to the last Green Tip of the year!

Usually, the tip at this time of the year has some suggestions for how to reduce your environmental impact at Christmas.

This year, while researching I came across an article that provides 3 useful tips while counting how many tonnes of waste have gone to landfill in the time that readers are visiting their website. It is an eye-opener that provides motivation for reducing our environmental footprint not just during the festive season, but all year around. 

Merici Shorts

Welcome to what we hope is our first edition of “Merici Shorts”, a publication of short fiction written by our students. This year has been, it’s been said a million times, “unprecedented”. We have become almost blaze about how unusual the year has been. Will it leave the world a changed place, and for the better? Only hindsight will give us the answer to that. Reading this work, I wonder how this year has effected or set the mood of the pieces. It’s an interesting, and perhaps dark, collection of work and I hope you enjoy it.

On sale at the Finance Office, $5.00 each.

International Day with Cultural Infusion

Our students thoroughly enjoyed a cultural infusion today at our International Day with a wide range of different activities and performances which included a Chinese Lion Dance, Bollywood Infusion, Viva Mexico musical performance, Indigenous Infusion with Larry Brandy, Dance Troupe performances, Merici's Cold Fusion staff band performance, a gelato stall, a Pain au Chocolate stall, a multicultural menu served in the canteen and an Egyptian Belly dance performance. We would like to thank all our performers and stall holders for making this day such a great success!

Year 12 Graduation Mass and Awards Ceremony

It is here on this night of celebration that we recognise academic, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural achievements. I call on you all to appreciate the blessings you have received. These talents and gifts, bestowed on you by God, have been nurtured by your parents and developed throughout your time at Merici College by your teachers, the staff and your friends.

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