Year 10 Transitions Forum

Monday, July 1, 2024 - 9:00am to Friday, July 5, 2024 - 3:30pm

The Transitions Forum is an important week for Year 10 students. During the forum your daughters will consider how to make decisions, reflect on what is important in life, hear about a few different careers, learn about the job market, prepare for senior study and much, much more. Students are not expected to wear uniform during this week.

Lunch will be provided on Monday and Friday. Students will be required to bring or buy their own recess for the week as well as lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

The days have been specifically organised into different areas.

  • Monday: The first day of the Year 10 Transitions forum is dedicated to the Year 10 Reflection Day.
  • Tuesday: students will be given presentations on:
    •  IB Diploma Programme/BSSS Program
    • University degree pre-requisites and recommendations
    • Extra- curricular academic activities available in Senior College
  • Wednesday: students choose 2 institutions that they would like to visit. The options are: Australian National University, Australian Catholic University, University of Canberra, Defence Force Recruiting, Police and Magistrates Court.  Students will be sent an online form to submit their preferences,
  • Thursday: All students will be doing independent work on Personal Project
  • Friday: a full day presentation, ‘Day of Hope’ with Glenn Gerreyn from the Hopeful Institute, Sydney. He concentrates on goals and motivation and in the past, he has had our students on the edge of their seats with his inspirational words.

Year 10 Reflection Day (Monday 1 July during Year 10 Transitions Forum Week)

The Year 10 Spirituality Day is a one-day session on campus and will be held on Monday 1 July. The day is aimed at motivating students to strengthen their faith through identifying their connection with both a loving God and their relationships with others. The day will involve a series of engaging activities, and reflection exercises.

Lunch (sausage sizzle) will be provided on the day. Students will provide their own morning tea.

Students will be asked to go to the PC class in the morning to have their names marked off and then they will proceed to the Auditorium for the remainder of the school day. All students are required to wear full PE uniform.


Merici College

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