
#MericiMoment Wall of Words - Rosemary Sheehan (Class of 1978)

The word I have chosen is Empowerment.  The nuns and the few lay teachers we had told us we had choices in career, life pathways, our bodies, relationships. They told us we were able to make a difference in the world. The nuns were the first feminists I knew and they encouraged us to believe in ourselves as young women, and we had the right for equal treatment in society. They treated us as young women, opening our eyes to issues of the day. They encouraged us to have our own voice.

Professor Rosemary Sheehan AM

Remembrance Day, Lest We Forget

Today is Remembrance Day. A reminder we will pause as a College community this morning for a reflection.


Prayer: Compassionate God,

In whose hands are the destinies of this and every nation,

We give you thanks for the freedoms we enjoy in this land

And for those who laid down their lives to defend them:

We pray that we and all the people of Australia,

Gratefully remembering their courage and their sacrifice,

May have the grace to live in a spirit of justice, of generosity, and of peace;

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Merici College Green Tip #35 - What do you do with your sports shoes at the end of their life?

More than 110 million shoes are imported into Australia each year.

One quarter of these are sports shoes with only 1% collected and recycled after use. 

Shoe components take over 1000 years to break down.

This is a significant environmental concern. 

​When footwear is thrown out, not only do we miss the chance to divert tonnes of landfill, we miss out on the valuable opportunity to reclaim, recycle, repurpose and reuse. 

Enter TreadLightly - a national recycling initiative where you can take your unwanted sports and lifestlyle footwear to be recycled.

Merici College Green Tip #33 - Sw(op) Shop Time!

Are you ready for the much-awaited annual Sw(op) Shop?

Bring your donations to Student Services, next to the First Aid Room, and deposit in the black bin.

You can help to divert 6000 kilograms of clothing waste being sent to landfill every ten minutes in Australia. 

That looks like the above image!!



Merici College Green Tip #31 - A better toothbrush? On special this week.....

​Australia has a population of over 23 million people.

If every citizen uses only one toothbrush each year - a conservative estimate - Australia’s 23 million toothbrushes would amount to about 350 tonnes of landfill waste annually. On a global scale, the world population of well over 7 billion people will generate over 100,000 tonnes of toothbrush waste if every individual were to use only one toothbrush each year.

Merici College Green Tip #30 - Are your clothing donations charitable?

The Year 8 students have been learning about this issue, which is so important it deserves to have the awareness raised as far and wide as possible....

Have you ever thought about what happens to your old clothes after you drop them off at the op shop?

Now is the time, because these goodwill gestures are fueling an environmental catastrophe on the other side of the world.


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