
Merici College Green Tip #46 - Heard the buzz? It's Australian Pollinator Week!

11-19 November is Australian Pollinator Week.

Note the label in the image ...1500 bees visit 25 million flowers to produce 700g of honey! Amazing!

Bees do more than make honey.  

They are intricate architects, unparalleled navigators and hard workers.

These tiny creatures play a vital role in our ecosystems and food supply. 

For more information and activities for Australian Pollinator Week:

Merici College Green Tip #45 - All aboard the no-waste sushi train....

If you eat sushi...

But don't want to contribute to the single use plastic problem.....

​​You can take your own container and set of re-usable chopsticks with you when you know you are planning to order sushi!

You could also take some soy sauce in a container from home and say "no" to the plastic soy sauce fish. 



Felicity Maher
Sustainability Officer

Merici College Green Tip #44 - Please keep your dogs off Merici's Biodiversity Restoration Project

Another five Australian species are at risk of immediate extinction with a further forty-one species on course to be declared critically endangered in 2023, according to the Threatened Species Scientific Committee.

This “demonstrates the very serious and increasing extinction risks to Australia’s biota."

Merici College Green Tip #43 - Merici and the ACT Government's Sustainable Schools Program

Last term, Merici signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the ACT government's Sustainable Schools Program.

It’s a free program for all ACT schools which supports actions through taking a whole school approach to:

  • Improve sustainability;
  • Take climate action; and
  • Reduce emissions.

By applying the framework across the school’s operations, curriculum, and community, the program can help the school:

Merici College Green Tip #41 - Sustainable Canberra Expo on 13 and 14 October

The ACT Government is holding the inaugural Sustainable Canberra Expo on 13 and 14 October 2023 at Thoroughbred Park. 

The Expo is free to attend and open to the ACT and surrounding community. 

At the Expo you can discover how to save money on your energy bills and live a happier, healthier, more sustainable life. 

Some of the activities include:

Commissioning Ceremony 2024 College Leaders

Merici College congratulates our 2024 College Leaders who were commissioned into their new roles by all members of the College.

A special commissioning ceremony was held on Thursday 21 September where the College Captain, College Vice Captain, House Captains, House Vice Captains and Specialist Captains, were officially recognised in their leadership roles for 2024. 

Merici College Green Tip #40 - No such thing as away ... and what you can do!

Have you ever thought about this?


For the time being you can make sure that some of your "waste" goes somewhere useful.

Bring your used oral care products, make-up product packaging and unrepairable stockings to the collection boxes in Student Services. 

Also, please prepare your clean, unwanted clothing for donation to the annual Sw(op) shop in Term 4, Tuesday November 7th.

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