
Merici College Green Tip #19 - Talking about cups

Disposable cups are making their way to Merici.

It is estimated Australians use 1 billion disposable coffee cups each year.

An estimated up to 90 per cent of all disposable cups ended up in landfill, equating to around 60,000 kilograms of plastic waste per annum.

Here at Merici we are committed to sustainability promoting action.

Please support the reduction of waste and plastics in our environment by:

Merici College Vinnies Winter Sleepout

Last night, Thursday 20 June, staff and students at Merici College participated in the annual Vinnies Winter Sleep Out, experiencing a small taste of what it’s like to sleep rough. This event was not only an eye-opener but also a crucial initiative to raise funds and awareness to support the homeless in the ACT.

We extend our sincere thanks to Teah from Vinnies, who delivered an insightful presentation on the realities of homelessness in our community. Your words resonated with us and reinforced the importance of our efforts.

Merici College Green Tip # 18 - Paper towels are not recyclable

Paper towels are being put into the paper recycling here at Merici.

Please note that paper towels are not recyclable. 

They are made from low-quality pulp which has already been recycled several times, causing the fibres to break down.

The good news! Most paper towels are compostable, providing and environmentally friendly alternative to landfill.

Please compost:

Sr Jane Keogh, Member of the Order recipient

Merici College would like to congratulate Sr Jane Keogh, recipient of the Member of the Order Australia (AM) in the General Division for significant service to the community through social welfare advocacy, and to primary education. Sr Jane was a foundation student of the College in 1959. She went on to become Sr Jane Keogh, a Brigidine Sister (a member of one of our Founding Orders), a teacher and school principal for many years. This award is a testament to Sr Jane's outstanding contributions and unwavering dedication.

Merici College Green Tip # 17 - World Environment Day and Great News!

Today is World Environment Day. 

This opportunity for reflection on the Earth and it's systems that support all life occurs on June 5th each year.

Wonderful news has been received acknowledging the work for sustainability and the environment that is ongoing at Merici.

The ACT Environmental Grants Program helps to strengthen community participation and engagement in environmental projects through community led initiatives.

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