Merici College Green Tip #24 - It is National Landcare Week

It is National Landcare Week.

Monday 5 – Sunday 11 August, 2024

Landcare is for Everyone (L.I.F.E)

Landcare Week is an annual celebration of Landcare held during the first week of August to acknowledge the Australians who are actively restoring, enhancing and protecting the natural environment in their community.

Landcare volunteers and groups work all year to care for the environment in their community, and Landcare Week is an opportunity for groups to promote their projects and thank their volunteers.

Landcare Week 2024 is showcasing how ‘Landcare is for Everyone’ and celebrating the achievements of all, from farmers planting wildlife corridors on their properties, students learning about biodiversity and where their food comes from, to community groups creating native seedbanks to businesses encouraging their staff to volunteer with landcare groups. 

Merici is planting a wildlife corridor and teaching students with our Biodiversity Restoration Project and Market Garden!

To get involved with your local Landcare group:

Landcare Australia | National Landcare Directory Landcare Australia




Felicity Maher
Sustainability Officer

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