
Easter Liturgy

Easter is the greatest celebration in the Catholic church signifying the completion of the Holy week that ends with the resurrection of Jesus. Today, to mark this special occasion in the Church’s calendar, Merici College commemorated these events with a very special liturgy. The students reflected Jesus’ journey through the Stations of the Cross. They also acknowledged the story of our indigenous brothers and sisters, focusing on the universality of the human spirit and how it we come together as one in the spirit of communitas.

Merici College Green Tip #10 - Happy Easter and......

Happy Easter!

Did you know:

  • Australians produce 540kg of household waste per person, each year. 
  • That's more than 10kg for every single person, every single week. 
  • Of the estimated 67 million tonnes of waste Australians generated in 2017, just 37 was recycled, leaving 21.7 disposed of in landfill. 
  • It's estimated about 130,000 tonnes of Australian plastic ends up in our waterways and oceans each year.

Clean Up Our Waste

What can you do?

Palm Sunday Rally for Refugees

Thank you to our staff and students who attended the Palm Sunday Refugees Rally yesterday and supporting this important moment in our community to come together to speak out for justice for people seeking asylum. #justice4refugees #communitas #empoweringindependence


Merici College Green Tip #9 - What goes in the yellow recycling bin?

At school, home and work in the ACT look for yellow bins. Into these bins, please put only glass jars and bottles, plastic containers, cans, paper and cardboard.

Nothing else and definitely no food or soft plastics.

Thanks for doing your part to reduce waste to landfill. 


Felicity Maher
Sustainability Officer

Student Exchange Experience - Gabrielle Shoebridge

What made you apply for an exchange program?

Way back in 2014, when I was in Year 2, my family went on a ‘big trip’ around Europe – we spent a week in Berlin, and I was hooked (looking back, it was probably the colourful, life-size bear statues we ran into wherever we went). I’ve been taking German lessons ever since. The more I learned about the language and culture, the more I craved to be there, in Germany, surrounded by it all – an exchange seemed like the perfect opportunity for me.

Merici College Green Tip #8 - Have you got leftovers?

What do you do when you have leftover food?

According to

In Australia, 7.6 million tonnes of food is wasted every year. 

While 70% of this food is still perfectly edible, 1 in 6 Australian adults haven’t had enough to eat in the last year. 

On top of this, 1.2 million children have gone hungry during the same period.

So what should you do with leftover food?

Gift of Life Walk 2023

Sincere thanks to all our community for supporting our Gift of Life Walk this morning. We would like to extend our thanks to Josh and Ned and the Canberra FM crew for broadcasting live from Merici this morning and helping us raise awareness about organ and tissue donation. Special thanks to Cath Scott and all the staff at Gift of Life Inc. for their involvement and support. We would also like to thank Clem and Liam O'Donnell for sharing their story this morning.

Don't forget everyone, register to become a donor!

Close the Gap 2023

Today is Close the Gap Day, a time for us to reflect on the progress that has been made in healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and the work that still needs to be done. 

What part can you play in closing the gap?

1. Know what the gap is and why it matters!
2. Listen to the stories of First Nations peoples who have experienced the gap.
3. Pledge to educate yourself more about the issues.
4. Tell the community about the gap and what we can do to support change.

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