
Merici College Green Tip #21 - It's just one packet of chips ....

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It may be "just one packet of chips" that ends up in the lunchbox, and it is so convenient.

However, when multiplied by the number of students, then by the number of days in term, then over a year, then multiplied by the number of schools in the ACT, then across get the picture.  Truly staggering.

Grandparents Day

Thank you to all our grandparents and special loved ones for attending Grandparent’s Day 2021 at Merici College! Our students and staff were very excited to have you here sharing this very special occasion with your grandchild.

We welcome the grandparents who have travelled a great distance to be here and wish you a safe journey back home. We keep in our thoughts and prayers those who would love to be a part of today but cannot due to COVID-19 restrictions.

2020 Annual Report to the Community

2020 had a significant effect within the Merici College school community due to the impact of fire, drought, hail, death in the community and a pandemic; however, it was also a time of great community spirit, growth and resilience.

The College remained focused to the strategic plan and aspirations:

STRONG FAITH: To build a strong and positive Catholic identity, where faith is nurtured, and all are empowered to serve others.

POWERFUL LEARNING: An educational environment that inspires life-long learning, enabling everyone to achieve individual excellence.

Merici College Green Tip #19 - Just a bowl of rice?

According to University of Queensland research, people are consuming 3-4 milligrams of plastic for every 100 grams of rice they eat, with the number jumping to 13 milligrams per serve for instant rice. 

This means that Australians may consume around 1g plastic per person via rice annually.

How has this happened?

Packaging is one source of contamination, however the processing of the rice before it gets put into a bag or during growing are also sources of contamination. 

What can you do?

Merici College Green Tip #18 - More about oceans!

While preparing last week's Green Tip for World Ocean Day, I came across so much interesting information that a sequel is necessary!

Healthy, productive oceans are essential for food, jobs, and the economy. 

In addition to keeping the planet cool,

1. Oceans provide 50-70% of our oxygen

2. Oceans also absorb carbon dioxide 

3. Oceans assist with climate regulation

4. Oceans provide economic benefits and jobs for millions of people

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