
The Year in Creative and Performing Arts

The Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) Department has enjoyed a very productive year despite the restrictions of COVID-19 lockdown. In February, we welcomed a new visual art teacher, Ms. Holly Bray, to our team and she has inspired the students to create some remarkable art works this year. We also welcomed Ms. Stacey Kernaghan, who has been sharing her knowledge of media with the Year 9 and 10 students.

The Year in Science

Science @ Merici

Last year, after a year of bushfires, smoke, hail and the impacts of Covid-19, I started my article by reflecting on the resilience of the Merici community, including the Science Department. As I sit here writing the 2021 article, while in an extended period of lockdown and waiting to teach my next class remotely, I reflect that once again it has been a highly unusual school year and that we perhaps will never be truly free of the impacts of Covid-19.

Principal's Christmas Letter to the Community

Dear Merici Community,

Dare to Dream

To ‘dare’ is to call on courage, strength, imagination and strategy. To ‘dare’ is to be willing to take on the unknown, to embrace change and to shape things for the better.  To ‘dare’ is to be futures focused, positive, agile and active. To ‘dare to dream’ is to do all of the above as well as to open oneself to awe and wonder.

Jesus dared to dream and hope. He envisaged a wondrous future defined by love and unity.

#MericiMoment Wall of Words – Jessica Lean (Class of 2008)

The word I have selected is MOMENTUS.

From the moment I left Merici, I could see how my actions and decisions were influenced by my experiences at school which showed how significant my time at Merici was - especially in having a bearing on future life events. My time at Merici and the community I was a part of shaped my life to date, and I frequently reflect on moments throughout school with a smile on my face and a feeling of nostalgia. The good old days!

Merici College Green Tip #38 - All aboard the no-waste sushi train....

Please click here to find our latest Green Tip.


If you love sushi...

But don't want to contribute to the single use plastic problem.....

​You can take your own container and set of re-usable chopsticks with you when you know you are planning to order sushi!

You could also take some soy sauce in a container from home and say "no" to the plastic soy sauce fish. 


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