
Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Isabella Caceres, 2023 Brescia House Captain

Brescia House Captain

Name: Isabella Caceres.

Dream Job: Australian Federal Police.

One Place You Want To Travel To: New York City.

Hobbies: Sleeping and eating - the essentials.

Favourite Food: Honey chicken and duck pancakes.

Favourite Movie: The Warriors 1979 or Grown Ups 1 & 2.

Favourite Book: Colombiano by Rusty Young.

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Meika Sedran, 2023 Balgo House Vice Captain

Balgo House Vice Captain

Name: Meika Sedran

Dream job: Midwife

One place you want to travel to: Iceland or Norway. For no particular reason besides they look cool   

Hobbies: Netball, reading and doing nothing (my favourite hobby)  

Favourite food: Aranchini, and potatoes in any form

Favourite movie: Clueless (1995) 

Favourite book: The Divergent Series. Not the movies though, they are trash! 

Counsellor's Corner - Holidays

It is hard to believe that we are in the final weeks of the 2022 school year, and the festive season is knocking on our door! All students, families, teaching, and support staff have had a challenging year as we have navigated ongoing COVID related stress, full time face to face learning, rescheduled camps, teacher absences and unseasonably cold weather – just to name a few. It has been inspiring to see the determination of our students continue to show up for themselves and others and regularly apply themselves.

Merici College Green Tip #37: About toothbrushes...

Your dentist would ideally like to see you change your toothbrush every three to four months. 

That's a lot of plastic waste.

According to the World Wildlife Fund, around 3.5 billion disposable plastic toothbrushes – usually made from polypropylene and nylon which can take up to 500 years to break down in landfill – are purchased each year around the world. 

The vast majority will end up as plastic pollution.

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Alyssa Smith, 2023 Sports Captain

Sports Captain

Name: Alyssa Smith (Smitty)

Dream job: Nurse/Pro hockey player

One place you want to travel to: Anywhere but Australia (the closest I been to overseas is Tasmania)

Hobbies: Sport, sleep and getting saved from a rip! (thanks Immi)

Favourite food: Anything potato, garlic seasoned broccolini, HALLOUMI

Favourite movie: Sandlot (Benny has my heart)

Favourite singer: M&M (Eminem)

Favourite song: Slim shady

Favourite song lyric: “Its gettin hot in hot in”… you know the rest

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Sophie Blackburn, 2023 Arts and Culture Captain

Arts and Culture Captain

Name: Sophie Blackburn

Dream job: Musician or Actress on Broadway or if none of that works, go work at Australia Zoo with Robert Irwin

One place you want to travel to: to see the Northern Lights

Hobbies: Performing and Wakeboarding

Favourite food: KFC, milkshakes and cookies

Favourite movie: Top 5 - Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The Pirate Movie, Dirty Dancing and Romeo and Juliet

Favourite book: Oh the Places You’ll Go - Dr Suess

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Tahlia Hancock, 2023 Spirituality Captain

Spirituality Captain

Name: Tahlia Hancock

Dream job: Psychologist

One place you want to travel to: London

Hobbies: Writing, video games, anything and everything musical theatre related

Favourite food: Unpopular opinion that I'll gladly debate on - waffles

Favourite movie: It changes constantly, but I'm never unhappy with a Disney movie

Favourite book: You've Reached Sam or Romeo and Juliet

Favourite singer: Sophie Blackburn <3

Favourite song: Too many to choose, love all things jazz or classical though

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Ruby Alexander, 2023 SRC Captain

SRC Captain

Name:Ruby Alexander

Dream job: TBD

One place you want to travel to: Antarctica

Hobbies:  Walking, going to the beach.

Favourite foods : Lasagna and Sausage

Favourite drink: Chocolate milk

Favourite movie: Frozen - Just because of Olaf.

Favourite book: Tashi

Favourite song: Glorious by Macklemore

Favourite song lyric: “Bob the Builder, Can we fix it? Bob the Builder, Yes, we can!”

Favourite subject: Mr Ryan’s Math class.

Go-to joke:What's brown and sticky ? A STICK!

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Alara Salvage, 2023 Narragunnawali Captain

Narragunnawali Captain

Name: Alara Salvage

Dream job: Project Manager in construction (aka. Bossing around tradies all day)

One place you want to travel to: Anywhere with a good beach! 

Hobbies: Soccer, craft and annoying my two younger brothers                                 

Favourite food: Carbonara pasta                                                 

Favourite movie: 10 things I hate about you or Star Wars 6

Year 12 Farewell Assembly

On Friday 11 November, our community officially farewelled our Year 12 students at a very special assembly. The students also presented a beautiful gift to the school, a large spun Copper Bird Bath Dish which will be placed in our garden. We also celebrated the achievements of all our Houses at the Swimming Carnival and announced the winners of the 2022 College Cup!

Congratulations to:


Swimming Carnival Champions: Tullow House

House Spirit Award: Tullow House

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