
Merici College Grandparent's Day 2020 Video Reflection

Welcome to the Merici 2020 Grandparent's Day Reflection. This year has certainly come with its challenges, both for our school community and for the world. Normally we would celebrate together with our grandparents beginning with a liturgy, followed by a lovely morning tea here at school, but because our grandparents are unable to come in and celebrate with us today, we have a special video message for you instead.

A reading from the Book of Proverbs 17:6.

“Children’s children are the crown of the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.”

2020 Year 12 Retreat

Our 2020 Year 12 Retreat was held on Monday 27 July and Tuesday 28 July. The theme for the Retreat was “Dare to Dream”, our Christian Service theme for Year 12 was Love and our 2020 College theme is Building Futures.

Bastille Day Celebrations

Today we celebrated Bastille Day with students reflecting on the importance of the day in Pastoral Care classes. We were treated to a wonderful French menu in our Canteen with delicious crème puffs and crepes served, together with other French delicacies. Hands were clapping and feet were tapping with our Dance Troupe performing for our community during lunch time, with the all-time favourite, the Can-Can, the highlight of their performance.

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