
Merici College Green Tip #47 - Laudate Deum

On October 4, Pope Francis released his apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum, that completes his encyclical Laudato si’ published in May 2015, and is addressed “to all people of good will on the climate crisis”.

The Pope reiterates and further develops the themes from his second encyclical in which he expressed his “heartfelt concerns about the care of our common home”. 

 “I have realised that our responses have not been adequate, while the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point.”

Merici College Green Tip #43 - Merici and the ACT Government's Sustainable Schools Program

Last term, Merici signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the ACT government's Sustainable Schools Program.

It’s a free program for all ACT schools which supports actions through taking a whole school approach to:

  • Improve sustainability;
  • Take climate action; and
  • Reduce emissions.

By applying the framework across the school’s operations, curriculum, and community, the program can help the school:

Academic Awards Ceremony Semester 1 2023

We entend our congratulations to all our students for their academic achievements throughout Semester 1, 2023.

On Tuesday 1 August, we gathered as a community to congratulate and celebrate students who have a high level of academic achievement across all subjects and students who were recognised by their teachers in individual subjects in Semester 1.  Year 7 students received awards for the first time which always bring some extra excitement.

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