
GH Nutrition Workshop

Merici College students were blessed to have Georgia Houston from GH Nutrition to share her expertise around building a healthy relationship with food and body image. Georgia spoke about how we could change what we see on social media. Some examples are below.


• Post a mix of photos on social media:

• Show your personality

• Post artistic shots

• Post images of you having fun or visiting cool places

Meet our Studies Coordinators

Over the next few weeks we will be introducing you to our Studies Cos. Today we are pleased to introduce Mrs Jo Aboud, Science Coordinator.Jo has been at Merici for 13 years and in the role of Science Coordinator for 11 years. Jo also coordinates Digital and Information Technology. She has a strong passion for encouraging girls into science. She is committed to providing opportunities to the students to explore science in the real world and expand their personal knowledge.

IB Middle Years Programme Personal Project Celebrates Success!

This month we received the official results for the 2021 Year 10 Middle Years Programme Personal Project. This is a ‘passion project’ where students selected an area of interest to create a product or outcome and document their learning journey in achieving the outcome. We are pleased to announce that we had 6 students achieve the highest MYP Grade that can be awarded which is a ‘7’.

Congratulations to the following students:

Green Tip #2 - Meric College Green Tip #2 - Have you wondered if what you do makes a difference?

If you have wondered if your individual efforts to compost can make a difference, read on.....

Australian group, Compost Revolution, tested the idea across 41,000 Australian homes. 

The result was 10 million kgs of food waste diverted from landfill and 19 million kgs of greenhouse gases avoided.

Just how much is 10 million kgs? 

That's the equivalent of over 83,000 full-size wheelie bins of perfectly good resources U-turned out of landfill and sent back to the Earth to replenish the soil, grow veggies and plants, and sequester carbon or:

Catholic Education Canberra & Goulburn transforms lives with Catalyst professional learning across 56 schools

Catalyst in practice

Merici College has been participating in Catalyst in 2021 as part of the System’s 56 Schools.

Renee Taylor, Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning says the College was excited by Catalyst’s “Strong focus on teacher pedagogy to improve literacy and numeracy in our students, particularly around the bold goals,” and its system-wide approach which opens the door to increased collaboration between schools as well as primary and secondary teachers.

IB Diploma Programme Success

Merici College Celebrates Their First International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Results

Authorised to deliver the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP) starting in 2020, the 2021 Merici College graduating cohort is the first to make history as the first Diploma Programme students at the college.

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