
Merici College Green Tip #32 - Mobile phones round up!

Actsmart Mobile Round up (National Recycling Week)

 PLEASE TELL EVERYONE to collect their phones to be part of a Guinness world record attempt for the largest amount of mobile phones collected for recycling in 24 hours.

A collection box can be found here at Merici opposite Student Services, next to the Terracycle Oral Care collection. 

Donations accepted until 13 November.

Accepted items include:

Merici College Green Tip #31 - ACT Healthy Waterways

This week’s Green Tip has been written by Imogen Simmons.

In Week 10 of Term 3, SAM had a guest speaker come in to talk about ACT Healthy Waterways and why it is important for Canberra to have healthy waterways.

So why is it important for Canberra to have healthy water?

The water in Canberra’s suburban creeks, wetlands and ponds mostly comes from stormwater and run-off from residential blocks, streets, retail and industrial areas. This water ends up in our lakes and rivers, largely untreated.

Merici College Green Tip #2- Where Does Your Water Come From?

When you turn on the tap, do you consider where your water comes from? Or goes to afterwards?

Prior to arriving at your tap, water goes through many stages. 

First it is collected through river catchments and makes its way to our dams, which store water before it is transferred to one of our two water treatment plants. 

Merici College Green Tip #27 - An alternative to chlorine bleach?

A focus on water quality necessitates consideration of cleaning products.  Chlorine bleach is a commonly used cleaning product which goes down our drains.  It is also known to have health and environmental impacts. 

If you have concerns about the health and environmental impacts of chlorine bleach, follow this link for an alternative and further information.

Dance Troupe performance at St Andrew's Aged Care

Our Dance Troupe performed an hour long concert for the residents at St. Andrews Village in Hughes on Saturday, 31 August. The girls were absolutely fantastic and we have already been asked back to perform again nearer Christmas! The residents were clapping and tapping their feet and were very appreciative.

We would like to thank our dancers for their ongoing commitment to entertaining our community and attending community events.


Merici College Green Tip #25 - No Water, No Life!

Just a quick tip this week to remind us all of how important water is in our daily lives. 

According to Cool Australia most fresh water is used in farming and agriculture. Only 5% of all water is fresh water and more than 70% of this is frozen (mostly as ice in Antarctica). That leaves us with only 1% of all the water on our Earth to use to grow crops, raise animals, cool coal fired power plants, power industry and use at home, work and school.

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