
The Year in Creative and Performing Arts

The Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) Department has enjoyed a very productive year despite the restrictions of COVID-19 lockdown. In February, we welcomed a new visual art teacher, Ms. Holly Bray, to our team and she has inspired the students to create some remarkable art works this year. We also welcomed Ms. Stacey Kernaghan, who has been sharing her knowledge of media with the Year 9 and 10 students.

Merici College Green Tip #38 - All aboard the no-waste sushi train....

Please click here to find our latest Green Tip.


If you love sushi...

But don't want to contribute to the single use plastic problem.....

​You can take your own container and set of re-usable chopsticks with you when you know you are planning to order sushi!

You could also take some soy sauce in a container from home and say "no" to the plastic soy sauce fish. 


Co-curricular Sports Awards 2021

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our convenors, managers, coaches and parents for the effort that you have put into creating valuable opportunities for our students to participate in the Merici Co-curricular Sporting program. The contributions of our volunteers and their service as coaches and managers are at the heart of the school’s sporting program. Without their support, co-curricular sport would not exist. 

Merici College Green Tip #35 - What do you do with your sports shoes at the end of their life?

More than 110 million shoes are imported into Australia each year.

One quarter of these are sports shoes with only 1% collected and recycled after use. 

Shoe components take over 1000 years to break down.

This is a significant environmental concern. 

​When footwear is thrown out, not only do we miss the chance to divert tonnes of landfill, we miss out on the valuable opportunity to reclaim, recycle, repurpose and reuse. 

Enter TreadLightly - a national recycling initiative where you can take your unwanted sports and lifestlyle footwear to be recycled.

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