
Merici College South Canberra Dedicated Bus Service New Stops Announced

We would like to thank you for providing feedback on our bus service to areas of South Canberra. Our bus service provider, Deanes, have investigated and timed suggestions of route changes that you have put forward. Unfortunately some suggestions have not been able to be included in the route as these changes would add excessive travel time, however some have. We are pleased to advise that slight detours in the existing route may accommodate students living in Waramanga, Fisher and possibly Stirling.

Principal's Fortnightly Blog - Satisfaction Survey 2018

For the second year, the Merici community has participated in a comprehensive survey, capturing feedback across many dimensions of College life. Whilst there is no formal benchmark provided against other schools, Merici enjoys a very high rating across most of the measures. Across all surveys, participants repeatedly commended the school on the positive culture, sense of faith and community, teacher engagement and caring attitude and the diversity of the student body and inclusive culture.

Merici Student joins Jasiri Australia to Takeover Parliament

Meet Anna Jadeer, a Year 7 Merici College student who dreams of one day becoming Australia's youngest Prime Minister. On the 28th of November, her dream is one step closer as she prepares to take over Federal Parliament. Participating in Jasiri Australia's Girls Takeover Parliament Program with 29 other young women. Anna is hijacking the Member for Kingston, Amanda Rishworth's position for the day.

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