November 15, 2018

Principal’s Fortnightly Blog – Satisfaction Survey 2018

Students added particular appreciation of the canteen facilities, pastoral care system and extra-curricular activities.

For the second year, the Merici community has participated in a comprehensive survey, capturing feedback across many dimensions of College life. Whilst there is no formal benchmark provided against other schools, Merici enjoys a very high rating across most of the measures. Across all surveys, participants repeatedly commended the school on the positive culture, sense of faith and community, teacher engagement and caring attitude and the diversity of the student body and inclusive culture. Students added particular appreciation of the canteen facilities, pastoral care system and extra-curricular activities. Interestingly, common issues are reported across all three surveys of parents, students and staff. A summary of core issues follows:

Parents were primarily concerned with the need for increased opportunities to participate in College life and be more aware of student performance. Both teachers and parents expressed dissatisfaction with the parent-teacher interview process. Recommendations included ensuring more consistent use of Moodle and greater use of social media and new technology platforms. Reporting processes was also highlighted with a view for more clarity in rubric descriptors and greater relevance to learning goals.

There were many conflicting responses in regard to technology use from advice to remove it altogether, to increase usage further and move entirely to digital resources. Generally, however, there were recurring themes in opportunities to more strictly manage use of mobile phones and social media during class and need to improve the wi-fi connection.

Culture, Faith and Community is one of Merici’s greatest strengths, reported consistently well across all surveys. The student population however, did highlight that they would like a consistent approach to teasing and nastiness amongst the student body and this was supported in part by a few parental comments also. Overall however, the surveys very strongly reflected appreciation for the strong caring and respectful culture and sense of belonging at the College. Catholic identify was thought to be strong by the staff cohort, need to be better emphasised by the parental cohort and but was not highly valued overall by the student cohort. Increasing a focus on service hours was thought as a way to improve Catholic identify in the student body.

Student awards had entirely opposing feedback with some student, parents and staff believing there is an over-emphasis on academic achievement through to not enough recognition of achievement. Recognition of external activities and more awards related to achievement of learning goals and progression in contrast to academic rankings was highlighted.

There was open appreciation expressed in relation to the refurbishments at the school in science and the auditorium but repeated confusion regarding the investment in the façade on Limestone Avenue, which will improve as time goes on and the green wall grows higher.

For futher information on the Satisfaction Survey please follow the link….

I would like to thank all parents, staff and students who participated in the survey and for their valuable feedback. This feedback has been used to shape the Strategic Plan for 2019-2021 – available for viewing here to find the Strategic Plan.

Loretta Wholley,




Students added particular appreciation of the canteen facilities, pastoral care system and extra-curricular activities.

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