
Bridge Benefit Dinner 2017 - A Huge Success!

This event is in its third year running and was initiated two years ago by two staff members, Trish Young and Tookie Capezio, as a way of broadening the experiences of Senior Hospitality students. It also gives the students with the opportunity of providing a service to those members in our community who need our help most.  On behalf of all the Merici College community, we commend Trish, Tookie and the students on their wonderful endeavours, and congratulate them for the first-class, degustation menu that they prepared on Saturday night.

Merici College 2017 Innovative School Award Radio Interview

Merici College's Fiona Buining (Sustainability/Science Teacher), Bec DeCourcy (Sustainability Officer) and Caitlin Treble (Year 10 Sustainability student) spoke to Genevieve Jacobs, Journalist at ABC Radio, about Merici College being selected as one of Australia's top Innovative Schools for 2017 in 'The Educator' magazine. 'The Educator' received a record number of entries this year so being selected as one of the final 40 nationwide is a fantastic achievement.  Our submission provided details of our Sustainability/Healthy Canteen/Kitchen Garden Program.

Appointment - Deputy Principal Development

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Phil Coe to the position of Deputy Principal, Development.

Prior to this appointment, Phil has worked as Head of Senior School at Merici College for the past 7 years, was Head of Information Technology at the Grey Coat school in central London for 4 years, a teacher at St Mary Mackillop Catholic College for 2 years and worked for 7 years as a Business Analysis/Computer Programmer at Airservices Australia immediately after completing university.

Merici College named one of the 2017 Innovative Schools in Australia

Congratulations to Merici College who has been named one of the 2017 Innovative Schools in The Educator magazine! The Educator received a record number of entries this year so being selected as one of the final 40 nationwide is a fantastic achievement.  Our submission provided details of our Sustainability/Healthy Canteen/Kitchen Garden Program.


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