
Merici College Opening School Mass

Today the Merici College community gathered together to celebrate the 2021 Opening School Mass.  . We welcomed special guests from Catholic Education, our fellow Colleges and Primary Schools, Principals and Executive Staff, School Leaders and Sisters of the Orders Sr Angela Jordan and Sr Frances Fitzpatrick of the Mercy Sisters and Sr Genny Ryan of the Ursuline Order who were instrumental as the founding Orders of the College. We were honoured to welcome our Celebrating parish priest: Fr Emil Milat, from the Central Canberra parish.

Merici College Green Tip #3 - Biodegradable, Compostable and Degradable, which to choose?

​The terms biodegradable, compostable and degradable all create the impression that they offer better environmental outcomes to conventional plastics and that they disappear harmlessly into the environment, right?  

No, this is not the case. 

As the world moves to ban single-use plastics, biodegradable plastics are increasingly in focus as an environmentally friendly alternative. However, some plastics degrade into microplastics, others take a very long time to disappear from the environment, and in certain conditions they produce powerful greenhouse gases.

Merici College Green Tip #2 - One roast chicken, five people, three meals and zero waste?

As a committed sustainability practitioner, I will always promote plant-based eating most of the time for its lower environmental impact. However, I am also a realist and understand the diversity of food people may select. 

In continuing our waste reduction theme in Term 1, I refer to the great book which was the focus of last week's Green Tip. 

The family in A Family Guide to Waste Free Living  use one roast chicken to serve five people over three meals with zero waste.

Merici College Green Tip #1 - A Family Guide to Waste-Free Living

During Term 1 at Merici we focus on reducing waste and hope that this translates into action here at school, at home and wherever you may go.

I was recently introduced to a lovely and inspiring book, A Family Guide to Waste-Free Living, which can assist us all to do better with reducing our waste. It is about a family of five living near Hobart who have produced no waste or recycling since 2015. They remind us that even through recycling, we are using energy and resources. 

Costa Georgiadis provides the foreword and states that:

Principal’s Address and Opening Assembly

Welcome all to the commencement of the 2021 school year. I hope that you had a wonderful summer, full of rest, rejuvenation, family time and, possibly, adventure. I also trust that all are ready for:

  • a fresh beginning,
  • to be open to new experiences and
  • are looking to continue your journey to human growth and fullness of being in 2021.

What are beginnings?

One of my favourite poets, TS Eliot once wrote, “Every moment is a fresh beginning.”

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