
Return to School Plan for Years 9 and 10

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are thrilled to be welcoming our Year 9 and 10 students back to school next week. As you can appreciate, there are specific requirements for their return.

Please see below the return to school plan for next week. Please talk through this document with your daughter to ensure that she understands the expectations and how school will operate next week.

Student Achievements - Australian Mathematics Competition


Congratulations to the following students who a achieved a Credit or Distinction in the Australian Mathematics Competition held in Term 3: Ashley Frater, Amelia Bond, Lana Dexter, Saanvi Bajaj, Ruofei Yan, Ruby Alexander, Keely Balind, Sofia White, Hannah David-Hoole, Ishita Gupta, Rebecca Price, Hannah Scott, Alice Cobbin, Tara Holmes, Amelia Miller, Ruby Budd, Seren Rowlinson and Catherine Brooker.



Merici College Green Tip #31 - A better toothbrush? On special this week.....

​Australia has a population of over 23 million people.

If every citizen uses only one toothbrush each year - a conservative estimate - Australia’s 23 million toothbrushes would amount to about 350 tonnes of landfill waste annually. On a global scale, the world population of well over 7 billion people will generate over 100,000 tonnes of toothbrush waste if every individual were to use only one toothbrush each year.

Merici College Green Tip #30 - Are your clothing donations charitable?

The Year 8 students have been learning about this issue, which is so important it deserves to have the awareness raised as far and wide as possible....

Have you ever thought about what happens to your old clothes after you drop them off at the op shop?

Now is the time, because these goodwill gestures are fueling an environmental catastrophe on the other side of the world.



We wish to congratulate Kate Durham on her successful appointment to the position of Deputy Principal Wellbeing. This position is a new Executive role that will start from the beginning of 2022.  Kate brings to the role a wealth of knowledge and over 20 years of teaching experience in both Catholic and Independent Schools. She is currently Head of Junior School at Merici and has held leadership positions in Pastoral Care and student wellbeing at Canberra Girls Grammar School and St Mary Mackillop College.

COVID-19 Update for ACT Schools for Term 4 2021

Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Staff,

I hope this email finds you all well and safe.

Merici College follows various COVID-19 Safe requirements as advised by ACT Health which seek to prevent and minimise the transmission of COVID-19.

The safety and wellbeing of students and staff is the primary consideration of any decision related to re-opening schools.

These requirements are designed to:

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