Merici College Green Tip #23 - What is integral ecology?

Sustainability at Merici

Integral ecology has emerged from the Pope's Laudato Si encyclical.

“Integral Ecology weaves together the myriad approaches to the natural world in an effort to respond as effectively and timely as possible to the complex ecological problems that face ourselves, our communities, and our world in an evolving universe. 

In effect, Integral Ecology unites consciousness, culture, and nature in service of sustainability. 

People who are utilizing the Integral ecology framework recognize that it is not enough to integrate ecosystems and social systems. 

Instead, what is needed is an integration of subjective (e.g. psychology, art, phenomenology), intersubjective (e.g. religion, ethics, philosophy), and objective” (e.g. behavior, science, systems analysis) realities”.

Esbjörn-Hargens, S., ‘Guest Editor’s Introduction’, World Futures, Vol.61, No.1-2, Special Issue on Integral Ecology, p.1, 2005


Felicity Maher
Sustainability Officer

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