Activities Expo 2019
Our events continue today as we celebrate IWD (International Women's Day) with our students signing up for co-curricular activities. We have over 30 clubs that the students participate in and explore new interests.
Our events continue today as we celebrate IWD (International Women's Day) with our students signing up for co-curricular activities. We have over 30 clubs that the students participate in and explore new interests.
Merici College Fashion and Textile students did extremely well again this year at the Canberra Show. We are very proud of all the efforts the girls have made. We would like to mention that several students entered items independently and also received awards. Students include Annabella McNamara Y7 received 1st for her quilt and Maria Georgiadis received 6 awards for a dress and a variety of baked goods. A huge thank you to Susan Anderson who gets all the entries in and does the drop off and pick up.
Canberra Show Results
It was with great pride and appreciation that Mrs Loretta Wholley and members of the Leadership Team presented academic awards to students on Monday 11 February for their achievements in Semester 2 2018.
Mrs Wholley addressed the students, recognising the achievements and hard work of all students.
The annual Merici College Sports Awards presentation night was held on Thursday 1 November. Throughout 2018 many of our students have taken up sporting opportunities offered at Merici. Merici competes in up to 50 interschool events throughout the year with students displaying their talents in several of these of sports. We also have several co-curricular sporting teams, Netball, Basketball, Volleyball, AFL, Hockey, Futsal and Snow Sports that compete in ACT and NSW weekend competitions.
We would like to thank all the students and staff who supported Book Week last week. All week the library has been a hive of activity with scavenger hunts, book quizzes, celebrity heads and of course our very positive Book Week Parade on Wednesday. It was a huge success with great characterisation and costumes, and lots of fun had by all.
The Career Expo is designed for all Year 9 to Year 12 students and their parents are actively encouraged to attend. It is at this time that the girls can begin to gain an understanding of the extensive variety of courses that are available from all the major institutions within the ACT and surrounding regions. We would like to thank all our special guests and presenters for providing insightful advice to our students thinking about entering their respective career.
On the morning of Monday 14 May, our College was honoured by the presence of more than 140 mothers, grandmothers and significant others from our Merici family. It was a wonderful opportunity for our community to celebrate Mothers’ Day with a very special Prayer and Breakfast. The focus of the Prayer was centred around the St Angela Merici Rose which was gifted Merici College this year and is our 2018 Year of Youth symbol, representing the ongoing nurturing that mothers provide to their children every day.