Sr Jane Keogh

Sr Jane Keogh
Foundation Student 1959

It was an absolute honour for the Merici community to welcome a very special guest speaker, Sr Jane Keogh, to the College in August 2019. Sr Jane was a foundation student of the College in 1959 and is remembered for arriving to school on the first day of term in 1959 one day early and is recognised as the first pupil of Merici College. She went on to become Sr Jane Keogh, a Brigidine Sister (a member of one of our Founding Orders), a teacher and school principal for many years. For the past 17 years, she has made friends with and championed the cause of Australia's refugees. Every day, she talks with them, cries with them, and pleads for them. In her words, “I make myself a nuisance to people in power, to politicians and church leaders telling them to put people first and not just money and to be kind rather than cruel. I am inspired to do this by the call of the gospels. The Christian message challenges and drives me. The way ahead for Australia is the way of love not of fear.”

She has worked very closely with the young male prisoners on Manus Island separated from their families and loved ones who are all very ill, both mentally and physically.

Sr Jane encouraged and inspired the girls in their studies and life choices. “A strong theme of mine is the call to each one to contribute to a kinder more responsible world. The most central gift that has been given to you is the gift of your life. Everyone is different, each one of you are unique and you are free to choose what you want to do with your gift. Listen to your parents, your teachers, they are much older than you, they have lived a lot longer and have gained much more life experience than you, they can help you, but it is your gift, they are not you and do not waste your gift. Be faithful to that wonderful gift of life that you have been given, the fidelitas motto, be true and be faithful to yourself and your call, be faithful to your God and your spiritual call.”

Merici College congratulates Sr Jane Keogh on her wonderful achievements and are blessed to have Sr Jane as a member of community who continues to provide guidance and support to our students. We recognise the amazing contribution she has made to our community and our global world. One of the many examples of her great work is Sr Jane being named one of the Human Rights Awards finalists for the 2017 Tony Fitzgerald Memorial Community Individual Award. The Award recognises impressive Australians for their dedication to human rights.

Please visit to find more information on the achievements of Sr Jane.

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