This year, our focus revolves around the 2024 College theme: “Spes,” a powerful word that encapsulates the essence of hope. As we embark on this journey through 2024, we draw inspiration from the biblical quote, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (Hebrews 6:19), anchoring ourselves in the unwavering hope that propels us forward in all that we do. As a Merici Community, we celebrate the transformative power of hope, recognizing it as a guiding force that illuminates our path and unites us in our shared vision.
Today at our Opening School Mass, we recognized the presence of esteemed guests, including our Merici Sisters: Sr Noelene Quinane, Sr Rita Reilly, Sr Sue. Hallams, Sr Genny Ryan and Sr Colleen Howe pivotal in founding the College.
We also welcome Mr Ross Fox, Director CE, Mrs Mary-Jane Carroll-Fajarda, Performance and Improvement Leader CE, College Principals and their respective College Leaders. During the Opening Procession, the Merici College House banners were carried with pride by our College Captains and we were privileged to have Fr’s Emil Milat, Anthony Riosa and Sebastian Luistro to concelebrate our Mass.
As we gathered, we drew inspiration from the chosen theme “SPES,” symbolized by the overarching image of the anchor. Angela Merici, a dreamer and Pilgrim Traveller, anchored her Hopes in Jesus Christ as she journeyed through life.
Today’s Gospel reading from Luke shared the compelling story of Zacchaeus, illustrating the transformative power of hope. The account of Zacchaeus reminded us that hope has the capacity to transform even the most unlikely circumstances. As Jesus enters Zacchaeus’s home, a divine encounter occurs, prompting Zacchaeus to announce his intention to give generously to the poor and make amends for any wrongs. Hope, ignited by the presence of Jesus, becomes the catalyst for personal transformation and social responsibility.
This year, we emphasize being anchored in hope, steering away from mere dreams and encouraging a deep-rooted trust in the transformative power of hope.
As we move forward together, let us draw inspiration from the story of Zacchaeus, recognizing that hope, when kindled, has the potential to change lives and create a better world.