Balgo House Vice Captain
Name: Meika Sedran
Dream job: Midwife
One place you want to travel to: Iceland or Norway. For no particular reason besides they look cool
Hobbies: Netball, reading and doing nothing (my favourite hobby)
Favourite food: Aranchini, and potatoes in any form
Favourite movie: Clueless (1995)
Favourite book: The Divergent Series. Not the movies though, they are trash!
Favourite singer: My dog, his whining is very musical
Favourite song: Claire De Lune by Debussy, and I was all over her by Salvia Palth
Favourite song lyric: CHIQUITITAAAA, tell me what’s wrong! you’re enchained by your own sorrowwwwww, innn your eyes there is no hope for tomorrowww!!
Favourite subject: All my subjects, except chemistry. Chemistry makes me want to cry!
Go-to joke: What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!!
Party trick: I can say the alphabet backwards, and very quickly
Most embarrassing moment: They’re too embarrassing, I’m not sharing them!
Personal statement: I’m excited to be Captain as I can’t wait to make change and uplift Balgo House. I’m very grateful to have been selected for this role and can’t wait to meet new people! My goal is for Balgo to absolutely dominate everything!! And to obviously have fun! 2023 is going to be the best year Balgo has ever seen!!
How to get in contact (email address or other method eg. suggestion box): Email: or just come and find me and have a chat!