December 8, 2022

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Jasmine Evans, 2023 Tullow House Captain

Jasmine Evans, 2023 Tullow House Captain

Tullow House Captain

Name: Jasmine Evans

Dream job: Actress or Psychologist

One place you want to travel to: London (gotta love british accents)

Hobbies: Baking, sleeping & reading (mainly sleeping)

Favourite food: Avocado Toast or Ice Cream

Favourite movie: Mamma Mia, Little Women or The Devil Wears Prada

Favourite book: The Island at the End of Everything (first book that made me cry)

Favourite singer: Taylor Swift

Favourite song: True Love by Pink (such a banger), Mirrorball by TayTay or SOS by ABBA

Favourite song lyric: “You drew stars around my scars” – Taylor Swift, Cardigan

Favourite subject: Psychology or Human Biology

Go-to joke: “Knock Knock.” “Who’s there?” “Interrupting cow” “Interrupting c-” “MOO”

Party trick: I can wrap my legs into a pretzel and then walk

Most embarrassing moment: Picture midget Jasmine in year 7 speed walking with great intent to make it to her maths class idk why tho because she was getting like 39% on average? Anywho :/ , it was raining all day and I had to walk down these REALLY steep stairs, however they were wet and my talented self slipped down the stairs booty first and if that was not embarrassing enough it looked like I pissed myself for a hot 30 minutes.

Thank you all so much for choosing me as your 2023 House Captain!! I am so excited to become closer with each of you. I cannot wait to work with Immi and the rest of Tullow to make sure we keep our spot as the loveliest girls in school. While I cannot promise I will rap again anytime soon I can promise you that 2023 is going to be an amazing year!! I am always open for a chat and would love to get to know you all better!! If any of you have any ideas/questions or just want to talk you can contact me via my email ( You are always welcome to text me through social media as well, plus please do not feel shy or hesitate to talk to me around Tullow.

Jasmine Evans, 2023 Tullow House Captain

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