December 2, 2022

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Isabella Caceres, 2023 Brescia House Captain

Isabella Caceres, 2023 Brescia House Captain

Brescia House Captain

Name: Isabella Caceres.

Dream Job: Australian Federal Police.

One Place You Want To Travel To: New York City.

Hobbies: Sleeping and eating – the essentials.

Favourite Food: Honey chicken and duck pancakes.

Favourite Movie: The Warriors 1979 or Grown Ups 1 & 2.

Favourite Book: Colombiano by Rusty Young.

Favourite Singer: Lil Nas X.

Favourite Song: LOST by Jaehyun.

Favourite Song Lyric: “Why do stars fall down from the sky, every time you walk by? Just like me, they long to be, close to you.” – Carpenters.

Favourite Subject: Legal Studies & Double Literature/English.

Go-to joke: “Do you wanna see a magictrick? Me too.”

Party trick: Winning Mario Kart every single time.

Most Embarrassing Moment: Opening the door to a stranger’s car with full confidence.

I am undoubtedly excited to be your Brescia House Captain for 2023, and thank you for this amazing opportunity! I can’t wait to work with Millie to help create an environment in which everyone feels welcomed, included and valued. I want to work with the Brescia Exective team, encourage you to try new things, and win school carnivals.

For any questions, inquiries, concerns or suggestions, you can contact me via Outlook ( I am always available and looking forward to meeting every single one of you! You can also contact me via social medias or come and chat with me in person.

Isabella Caceres, 2023 Brescia House Captain


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