December 6, 2022

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Brooke Ellis, 2023 Penola House Vice Captain

Brooke Ellis, 2023 Penola House Vice Captain


Name: Brooke Ellis

Dream Job: Professional Dressage Rider

One Place You Want To Travel To: Hobbiton

Hobbies: Sleeping, Baking and Painting

Favourite Food: Pizza

Favourite Movie: The Notebook

Favourite Book: Where’s Wally?

Favourite Singer: Vance Joy

Favourite Song: Missing Piece

Favourite Song Lyric: “Cause darling I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream” – TS

Favourite Subject: Sport and Rec

Go-to Joke: Yo mamma…

Party Trick: I can make a carrot recorder with my teeth!

Most Embarrassing Moment: Accidentally walking into a male restroom!

Personal Statement:

I am excited to listen to everyone’s ideas, work with all of you to make school life and carnivals the best they could possibly be, encourage you all to be proud of your achievements and carry on the amazing work Prag and Bella have done this year into next year.

Goal: To be an encouraging and co-operative captain who supports every student in Penola with any goal they may have.

Contact Information: Email –

Brooke Ellis, 2023 Penola House Vice Captain

Check out what’s on and upcoming at Merici!