December 5, 2022

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Bella Loxley, 2023 Ningil House Vice Captain

Bella Loxley, 2023 Ningil House Vice Captain

Ningil House Vice Captain

Name: Bella Loxley

Dream job: Fast Jet Pilot For the ADF

One place you want to travel to: France

Hobbies: Baseball, writing and watching movies

Favourite food: Spag bol

Favourite movie: Topgun (I cant choose which one)

Favourite book: The Fault in our stars

Favourite singer: Ed Sheeran

Favourite song: Great Balls of Fire (Miles Teller version)

Favourite song lyric: I ain’t worried bout it right now (catchy whistling)

Favourite subject: Hospitality

Go-to joke: I invented a new word!! Plagiarism

Party trick: I know how to make a recorder out of a carrot and can chug water really slowly.

Most embarrassing moment: Too many!

I’m excited to be able to further interact and lead with the Merici Community. 

I want to further bring my house closer and develop relationships with everyone. Most importantly though beat Brescia. 



Bella Loxley, 2023 Ningil House Vice Captain


Check out what’s on and upcoming at Merici!