December 7, 2022

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Ariana Exarhos, 2023 Seiwa House Vice Captain

Ariana Exarhos, 2023 Seiwa House Vice Captain

Seiwa House Vice Captain

Name: Ariana Exarhos

Dream job: Ophthalmologist (Fancy stool doctor)

One place you want to travel to: Norway, no clue what’s there but sounds cool

Hobbies: Sleeping, eating, homescapes & studying (yes i know, very controversial)

Favourite food: Pomodoro Pasta, specifically the one from Via Dolce, and Halloumi

Favourite movie: Endless Love (2014)

Favourite book: It’s not summer without you – Jenny Han

Favourite singer: Tate McRae or Dean Lewis

Favourite song: Stupid – Tate McRae

Favourite song lyric: “You didn’t think that I’d come back, I’d come back swinging, you try to break me but you see, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” – Stronger, Kelly Clarkson”

Favourite subject: Exercise Science and English

Go-to joke: What’s red and bad for your teeth? A brick.

Party trick: I can do a backbend

Most embarrassing moment: One time in year 10 i was on a scooter with my friend Freya (she was steering), she happened to slam on the brakes because she saw a car coming. Now, because of this I went FLYING. I flew 2-4 metres off the scooter onto the pavement, in front of a whole road of traffic and dara kids. -1/10 for enjoyment.

I could not be more excited for what’s in store for 2023! Thank you so much to the Seiwa girls for giving me this opportunity, I’m very excited to get to know all of you. I look forward to working with all of you to achieve our goals, I’m looking forward to helping you branch out and take that risk.

If you have any questions, or simply want to contact me my email is . Feel free to find me on social media as well! I would love to engage with all of you in any way that I can!

Ariana Exarhos, 2023 Seiwa House Vice Captain


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