November 17, 2022

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Anna Jadeer, 2023 Social Justice Captain

2023 Social Justice Captain - Anna Jadeer

Social Justice Captain

Name: Anna Jadeer

Dream job: Lawyer / Prime Minister / Pilot

One place you want to travel to: Türkiye & Palestine

Hobbies: Sleeping.

Favourite food: All food is good food

Favourite movie: Frozen 2

Favourite book: The Gruffalo

Favourite singer: The Weeknd

Favourite song: Starboy

Favourite song lyric: “I count my blessings , yeah, I know I see the light on when you don’t I dont forget where i come from” – Enisa Count my blessings

Favourite subject: Legal Studies

Party trick: I can wrap my leg around my neck.

Most embarrassing moment: Too many to count! I once rolled down the Brscia stairs in Year 7…. it was kinda funny!

I am beyond excited for this role, I hope to achieve many goals in my time as Social Justice Captian. Students who wish to contribute to fundraisers, discussions, and other initiatives are more than welcome. I would love any input from my merici sisters. Together we can collectively create social change within our community.

If you need some social justice, send me an email to  [email protected].


2023 Social Justice Captain - Anna Jadeer


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