November 17, 2022

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Anna Jadeer, 2023 Social Justice Captain

2023 Social Justice Captain - Anna Jadeer

Social Justice Captain

Name: Anna Jadeer

Dream job: Lawyer / Prime Minister / Pilot

One place you want to travel to: Türkiye & Palestine

Hobbies: Sleeping.

Favourite food: All food is good food

Favourite movie: Frozen 2

Favourite book: The Gruffalo

Favourite singer: The Weeknd

Favourite song: Starboy

Favourite song lyric: “I count my blessings , yeah, I know I see the light on when you don’t I dont forget where i come from” – Enisa Count my blessings

Favourite subject: Legal Studies

Party trick: I can wrap my leg around my neck.

Most embarrassing moment: Too many to count! I once rolled down the Brscia stairs in Year 7…. it was kinda funny!

I am beyond excited for this role, I hope to achieve many goals in my time as Social Justice Captian. Students who wish to contribute to fundraisers, discussions, and other initiatives are more than welcome. I would love any input from my merici sisters. Together we can collectively create social change within our community.

If you need some social justice, send me an email to


2023 Social Justice Captain - Anna Jadeer


Check out what’s on and upcoming at Merici!