November 18, 2022

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Alyssa Smith, 2023 Sports Captain

Alyssa Smith, 2023 Sports Captain

Sports Captain

Name: Alyssa Smith (Smitty)

Dream job: Nurse/Pro hockey player

One place you want to travel to: Anywhere but Australia (the closest I been to overseas is Tasmania)

Hobbies: Sport, sleep and getting saved from a rip! (thanks Immi)

Favourite food: Anything potato, garlic seasoned broccolini, HALLOUMI

Favourite movie: Sandlot (Benny has my heart)

Favourite singer: M&M (Eminem)

Favourite song: Slim shady

Favourite song lyric: “Its gettin hot in hot in”… you know the rest

Favourite subject: Take a guess I bet you wont be able to (Sport and Rec)

Go-to joke: Where does a majority of a hockey players salary come from? The tooth fairy.

Party trick: I can pick up a tennis ball with my toes (dont ask me though because I ain’t pulling the dogs out)

Most embarrassing moment: Knocking myself out on my laptop and going to hospital with a severe concussion (there’s alot more to this story).

Alyssa Smith, 2023 Sports Captain


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