February 24, 2023

Enrolling Now for 2024!

Enrolling Now for 2024 and beyond!

Dear Community,

Please refer to our Enrolling Now flyer which provides information on our activities and events.

I am pleased to advise that I have commenced enrolment interviews for 2024. If you are interested in submitting an enrolment application, please follow the link https://www.merici.act.edu.au/enrolment. Please ensure that all supporting documentation is uploaded as required. Documentation includes:

  • Birth certificate (not commemorative) or passport.
  • Certificate of Baptism (if applicable).
  • Last report from previous school (This documentation is required for all applications at Merici College.)
  • Family Law, Personal Protection Order or Other Relevant Court Orders (if applicable)
  • Visa grant notice for permanent and temporary visa-holders (if applicable) – for both student and parent(s) / legal guardian(s)
  • Any medical reports and/or other assessment reports for students with additional learning needs (if applicable).

After your application is submitted, please contact Narelle Patrick, Enrolments Officer, on telephone 62434150 or email narelle.patrick@merici.act.edu.au . Narelle will then schedule an interview for your family to meet me at a mutually convenient time.

Please do not hesitate to contact Narelle if you require any further information.

With kind regards

Mrs Anna Masters


Enrolling Now for 2024 and beyond!

A snapshot of Merici College


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