May 22, 2024

Current of Grace Conference delegates visit Merici College

Current of Grace Conference delegation visit to Merici College

On Tuesday 21 May, Merici College hosted an international delegation attending the Current of Grace Conference in Canberra. Mrs Masters welcomed the delegates warmly and Mrs Harrold-Carter explored ways that Merici College employs the four phase model of Youth Ministry . Our students showcased the CSYMI program, starting with engaging ice breakers and role plays. They shared personal testimonies and recounted their experiences as members of the ACU Academy programme. The activities were structured around the CPR model of youth ministry—Connection, Proclamation, and Response. The event concluded with a reflection on the transformative power of hope in the lives of young people.

#CurrentsOfGrace #CSYMI #MericiCollege #SPES

Current of Grace Conference delegation visit to Merici College


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